AFARM is engaged in promotion of environment friendly, Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) to build climate resilience in agricultural production system by reducing the risk of extreme climate events leading towards sustainability.
To increase farm productivity and crop diversification through the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices & climate resilient agriculture.
To enhance the quality by way of less chemical residue in agricultural produce, healthier produce, market-oriented crops with a clear potential for income security.
To improve the access farm equipment to the small and marginal farmers facilitated though initiation of community-managed custom hiring centre.
To promote biodiversity in crops grown and the ecosystem
AFARM has given priority to extend those technologies, which have direct bearing on sustainability namely….
Biological Seed Treatment as preventive measure to increase tolerance for potential pest and diseases, increase in germination percentage.
Sowing through broad bed furrow planter to retain soil moisture for longer period.
On-farm water management – efficient irrigation practices such as improved field layout, sprinkler and drip systems.
Biological pest management preventive as well as curative measure for pest and diseases.
Integrated plant nutrient management – appropriate and safe utilisation of manure, fertilisers.
Diversification of farming systems -introduction of new varieties and new crops, improved crop husbandry techniques including multiple cropping, improved inter cropping.
Dry land farming practices including strip cropping, contour cultivation, mulching, raised bed cultivation, weeding and use of weed as mulch in the field.
Weather based crop planning.