Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra

50 Years of Advancement in Rural Development

Testimonials from Funding Partners

L & T Financial Services, Mumbai

As AFARM heads into the 51st year of doing humanitarian services to the rural population from Maharashtra State, please accept my sincere appreciation for the impactful job, the AFARM team has done over the years.

L&TFinancial Services envisaged the Digital Sakhi programme back in 2016, it was of utmost importance that LTFS identify a suitable partner to test and roll this programme on ground. Today, when I look back and after having seen the on ground impact, it gives us immense satisfaction to share that we selected a right partner for this flagship programme. We are now in partnership with AFARM for close to 3 years.

Given the ownership with which they have driven Digital Sakhi program for us, we also initiated Jalvaibhav program in 2018, focussed towards climate resilient agriculture. AFARM has natural expertise in the area and has a farmer centric approach,which is crucial for sustainability of any intervention.

I would like to take this occasion to express my sincere gratitude to the entire AFARM's leadership and team for being open to suggestions, constantly evolving and adopting the best solutions and putting them into practice.

Once again Congratulations to the entire AFARM team and best wishes for future endeavours.

Richa Pant.
Head Group CSR and Sustainability
L&T Financial Services, Mumbai

Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune

We are happy to learn that AFARM is going to celebrate its Golden Jubilee. For any organization to complete 50 years successfully, is a big achievement. Please accept our congratulations on this milestone.

Jankidevi Bajaj Gram Vikas Sanstha (JBGVS) which was established to carry forward rural rejuvenation work started by late Smt. Jankidevi Bajaj, Padma Vibhushan wife of late Jamnalal Bajaj who is known as 5th son of Gandhiji.

As a part of association of JBGVS with AFARM in the first phase of Bajaj Water Conservation Project (BWCP) which was started in the year 2015 and was completed in 2017, we were happy to appoint AFARM as a Nodal Agency who in turn co-opted small local NGOs for carrying out this project. There was lot of mutual learning during implementation of this project but one thing stood out was the high integrity of AFARM in completing the work.

When we started BWCP Phase-II, out association continued and today we can proudly say that AFARM having learnt the lessons together with JBGVS stands as an organization which is capable of doing quality work in water conservation and social mobilization area. Farmers have reaped rich returns by our joint association with them in both the projects, BWCP Phase-I and II.

I wish to convey my best wishes and also a big thank you on this occasion of Golden Jubilee and we look forward AFARM completing a Century and thereafter.

C. P. Tripathi
Advisor (CSR)
Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune

Usha International, New Delhi

Silai School program is an initiative of Usha to skill women on sewing and enable them on the path of financial independence. With this objective Usha approached AFARM in 2011 and ever since we have been partners, partners in transforming lives of thousands of women in Maharashtra. AFARM is a vey committed and professional organization,relentlessly working for the communities. Forever ready to embrace new ideas, they have always been found to be setting and achieving higher goals of excellence.

I wish them success for their future endeavors so that may they continue to spread their good work.

Alok Shukla
General Manager, Usha Social Services,
Usha International Ltd, New Delhi

Cummins India Ltd.

At Cummins, Corporate Responsibility is not merely philanthropy. It is about playing our rightful role as a responsible citizen of society and understanding the unique challenges our communities face, working with them to provide sustainable solutions and driving outcomes to ensure that our communities are stronger because of Cummins’ presence.

With this philosophy, Cummins India undertook the strategic Participatory Watershed Development and Ground Water Management project three years ago with an intent to mitigate scarcity of water in Maharashtra.

With technology leadership under its belt, Cummins has always believed in demonstrating its brand promise of innovation and dependability through its strong technological capabilities. And so it is with this project as well. Based on the research and field work, an innovative approach was undertaken by Cummins. The project involved substantial use of science and technology, with a stress on hydrogeology inputs and remote sensing data of the target area. The project was implemented by a team that comprised of a group of NGOs, each bringing unique set of skills to the table.

Through a rigorous selection process, AFARM was chosen for the piece to implement watershed development with emphasis on the ‘supply side’ of the work. Although Cummins’ approach was non-traditional and required a lot of improvisation, AFARM successfully stood up to the challenge and worked amicably with the other NGO partners.

Since project inception, the project has grown from impacting four villages to a current implementation in 23 villages in a drought-prone region in the rain shadow area of Maharashtra. Cummins has now expanded to add the ‘demand-side’ to the project, with an emphasis on agriculture including climate resilient practices and alternate livelihoods like dairy, goatry and poultry.

Cummins’ wholistic approach to addressing the water scarcity in these villages, along with AFARM’s team’s knowledge, experience and sincere work on the ground has resulted in a positive impact for the community. It is expected that the outcome of the project will make a difference in the lives of these farmers which will be sustained for many years to come.

Success of the project largely rests on the team that is implementing the project. In this regard, AFARM has played a pivotal role in this project, contributing its expertise and knowledge of many years to shaping and improving the project.

Mrs. Sangeeta Gupte
General Manager, Corporate Responsibility
Cummins India Foundation, Pune

ITC ltd, Kolkatta

On the eve of Golden Jubilee Celebration, we extend our heartiest congratulations to AFARM, its Governing board members, and staff who have been associated in various stages of the organisation’s evolution from a vision to an Apex Institution of Voluntary Organizations work in drought affected districts of Maharashtra. ITC Limited takes this opportunity to appreciate AFARM’s efforts since last five decades to address the pover ty challenges of millions of villagers by extending them the much needed support in the areas of livelihoods, farming, water, and finance. AFARM has made tremendous contribution to the knowledge building, skill development and empowerment of rural households in Maharashtra.

ITC is privileged to be associated with AFARM through its ITC Mission Sunehra kal programme since 2013-14 which is implemented in Pune district and specifically in Ghod river basin for improving farmer livelihoods by intervening in the areas of Water Resources and Agricultural development.

This partnership has positively impacted livelihoods of 17350 farmer households and benefited 23000 acres of agricultural land Our heartiest congratulations to entire AFARM team on Golden Jubilee, and we wish them further growth in decades to come

Akhilesh Yadav,
Regional Manager (North & West),
ITC Social Investments.


IndiGo Reach- the CSR arm of IndiGo, has partnered with AFARM to reach out to 20,000 women across Pune, Nagpur, Ahmednagar and Thane so as to help them emerge as micro entrepreneurs and enable themselves to stand on their own feet and support their families. Our aim, through this initiative, is for these women to earn at least Rs. 1,50,000 per annum. AFARM has been able to help us in reaching this goal and more so, helping these determined women achieve their dream of financial stability.

Our beneficiaries have been exposed to new learnings which they have adopted in their routine life. With the help of a grant, they have started their own micro enterprises; be it a tailoring unit, a poultry farm, composting and so on. Moreover, these women have been collectivized into groups and together they have started their own businesses like a rice mill, a grinder outlet, organic fertilizers and pesticides, etc. They have been linked to several markets for sale of their produce and enhance their income.

AFARM HAS played a crucial role in mobilizing, implementing and monitoring this program. They have been able to perform successfully all these years as, AFARM is a professional group with a deep understanding of community dynamics and implementing strategies. They have been open to learning from all stakeholders and this has helped the organization and the programs to grow. One unique feature of AFARM is that each one of its members take every new challenge with a smile!

I wish AFARM my heartiest congratulations on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations! More power to the team to make a positive impact in the lives of communities in our country

Raju Sharma, Director-CSR
InterGlobe Aviation Ltd. (IndiGo)
Gurgaon, Haryana

AWO International, Germany

Appreciation and Acknowledgement Testimony Warm greetings & heartiest congratulations to AFARM on its Golden Jubilee!

I t is with immense pleasure that I express my sincere appreciation and gratitude on behalf of AWO International towards our longstanding partner ACTION FOR AGRICULTURAL RENEWAL IN MAHARASHTRA (AFARM) for its unwavering stance and solidarity with the vulnerable communities of the drought prone areas in Maharashtra.Through the past 15 years of cooperation with AWO Int.,AFARM has accomplished remarkable results by creating sustainable community based social structures, enhancing farm productivity and promoting drought resilient agriculture to small farmers among others. Assisting the communities with continued support, AFARM has fur ther contributed to reduce povert y levels and food insecurity of farmer households overall containing seasonal migration in its project region.

As the partnership between Awo I nt. and AFARM has come to an end on 31. December 2019, this is an opportune moment to congratulate AFARM's Executive Director, Mr. Subhash Tamboli and his team on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee. AWO Int. cherished the journey of a productive par tnership joined by the common goal to promote solidarity, justice and equality thereby enhancing the living conditions of disadvantaged communities.

Thanking you and the AFARM team for the past years of fruitful partnership, we extend our best wishes for your future endeavors.

On behalf of AWO I nternational, the colleagues of the head quarter in Germany and the South Asia team

Martina Purwins,
Head Representative
Awo International, Kathmandu